
The traditional media landscape is history. These days, communication is more complex – yet more direct – than ever, thanks to new media, digital platforms, influencers and more.


Our communication tasks are diverse and always part of an overall concept.
  • Corporate Communications
  • Financial and investor communications
  • Crisis communication
  • CEO communication and CEO support
  • Dialogue with politics and society
  • Media and appearance coaching
  • Onboarding for new PR managers
  • Employee communication
  • Litigation PR
  • Social media management
  • Change communication / external and internal
  • Reputation management


We manage mandates for renowned companies and associations.
  • M-DAX and S-DAX companies
  • Advising major family-owned companies and international investment companies
  • Involvement in an M&A process concerning two DAX companies
  • Crisis communication for several large and publicly known companies
  • Support in the development of a high-profile campaign for an industry association
  • Consulting and public positioning of well-known executives
  • Creation of a communication profile for start-up companies
  • Special communications experience in the automotive, retail, IT and real estate sectors
  • Media coaching for executives in German and international companies
  • Political representation of interests nationally and at EU level


What counts in a crisis

We can handle a crisis.

We stand by your side even in times of communicative storms and thunderstorms. We prevent speechlessness, set up a crisis strategy and stay on course.

We protect your company and its management continuously and as quickly as possible.

Especially when crisis hits, media and politics influence each other - and different media influence each other as well. We are your guide in the jungle of publicity.

We use our networks to foster dialogue in the media and - if necessary - in german or european politics.

The right timing and the right language become critical factors.

The problem

Communication has never been more demanding

Companies, associations or CEOs are uncertain:

  • What are the best communication channels?
  • When is print the right choice and when is it better to go online or utilize TV or radio channels?
  • Which messages go best with which communication channel?
  • What’s the best way to reach your target groups?
  • Which form of dialogue with politics is still acceptable?

Many companies are flying blind in this challenging new media landscape – they don’t have an overall communication strategy. That hurts their interests, their visibility, their reputation – and their wallets.

The solution

Bridging analog and digital communication

If you need an overall communications plan, we are the right agency for you: 

  • We can shape your message into a convincing narrative. 
  • And we can find the right communication channels so it has the greatest impact. 

Right now, traditional print and newer digital formats coexist side by side. So it doesn’t help your profile if you only use Twitter but ignore the big newspapers – you’d lose out on key audiences and fail to reach your full potential.

We create bridges between the traditional print world and newer media, strategically connecting them so clients win the best of both worlds.