Who we are

Skywriters right from the outset:
Dr. Michael J. Inacker
Managing Director

Connects the worlds of politics, media and business – as an experienced journalist, ministerial speechwriter and communications expert at two DAX companies.

“A story is always a story —whether it’s told in print or through digital media.”

Michael Behrens
Managing Director

A man of many careers: an experienced television journalist and long-time Asia PR, marketing and sales manager at a DAX-listed company.

Form follows function - We put the business case at the heart of all we do. Form and colour follow.”

Our Team

Who we are

The Skywriters are politics and communications professionals. Many are former journalists, have extensive communications experience or have far-reaching networks in business and politics.

Standort Berlin

Dietrich Alexander

Veteran journalist with a second sense for gripping stories and engaging writing.

“All communication is an intellectual challenge.“

Stephanie Hundacker
Assistant to the Management

Organizational genius who always has an overview and keeps a cool head.

“My words fly up, my thoughts remain below: Words without thoughts never to heaven go“ (Shakespeare)

Linda Mögel

At home in the digital world, she does creative storytelling beyond the boundaries of social media. 

"'You cannot not communicate digitally,' Watzlawick already knew."

Hubertus Spethmann
Senior Consultant

Studierter Betriebswirt und langjähriger Leiter und Interims-Manager Corporate Communications (sowie Leiter Corporate Board Office) börsengelisteter Unternehmen, ausgeprägte Erfahrung in C-Level Kommunikation, Medien, Kapitalmarkt, Krisen- und Sondersituationen. Strategisch denkend, diplomatisch hands-on in der Umsetzung.

„Gute Kommunikation bedeutet solides Arbeiten, Überraschungen zu vermeiden und gegenseitige Wertschätzung.“

Julius Mittag
Junior Consultant

Durch mein Studium mit dem Schwerpunkt international Management und meiner Zeit in Schottland und Frankreich habe ich vielfältige Eindrücke aus unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen gesammelt. Meine Begeisterung für Sprache und Wort ziehe ich aus jahrelanger Erfahrung im Poetry Slam. 

"Sprache ist gleichsam dem Leib des Denkens." - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Standorte Frankfurt und Brüssel

Volker Siegert
Director - Office Frankfurt

A crisis-tested finance professional with years of experience managing, advising and consulting projects in Germany’s banking capital.

Good communication requires creativity and clarity, curiosity and nerve, faith and reliability“

Sabine Seeger-Regling
Senior Advisor - Office Brussels

Worked for many years as a European correspondent and is well acquainted with the EU institutions. She knows the Brussels business and guides profoundly through the EU regulatory thicket.

"Our life is what our thoughts make it", Mark Aurelius knew. Transferred to the business community, one could say: "Our business is what creativity and communication make it".

Senior Advisors

Klaus‑Peter Schmidt‑Deguelle
Senior Advisor

Former editor in chief of VOX and secretary of state, familiar with the cutting edge of business and politics.

“Slow and steady wins the race – each and every communication should be prepared and implemented strategically and sustainably.“

[Translate to English:]
Rezzo Schlauch
Senior Advisor

Master of many channels and formats, from classical press relations to website optimization.

”You can only communicate successfully with empathy and the willingness to adapt.“


Christopher Behrens
Working student

What does a law student bring to the table? Analytical familiarity and fun with research. For diverse topics from the textile industry to the supply chain.

"Communication is only purposeful if it has meaning for the recipient, and not so much for ourselves."


Come aboard

The Skywriters are always looking for talented communications professionals. Please send your resume to: berlin@remove-this.die-himmelsschreiber.com